During 14th- 17th june 2007, i n my sis went to the YBC camp. so on 14th june, i nid to wake up veri early to go to SBF(formally known as Singapore Buddhist Federation) and reach there b4 8am... took the train to farrer park mrt station then got off...outside the station was some of the YBC facilitators...they brought us to the camp site and sign our names...
There were four groups: Conan(i was in this group! conan rox!!!), Sherlock(as in sherlock holmes), ScoobyDoo( the god team...lol...opps i mean the dog team) and kindaichi(known as jing1 tian2 yi1, not sure of the spelling...) i was in conan...my sis in sherlock...
Now lets talk abt my team members. There r 11 ppl in conan, excluding the facilitators...the 11 ppl are: Yenting, Sharon, Huiyi, Yu E, Zhan Hao, Benny, Man Kip(he say can call him monkey...but i nvr call him that), Kai Yang, Me(AKA the Mathspro!! :P) and two more ppl... who are :Terry and Benson...
More abt Terry and Benson... Terry is P5 and hav an elder bro in sherlock...his bro call terrence and the Terry keep disturbing us and tok so much lor......chinese saying: "saliva more than tea"...is used to discribed him...he introduced himself that time he says that he has little frenz...the other 5 boys in my group, including me noe the reason why...tt's because he is too irritating and ....wait...i once told BZKM(short form of Benny, Zhanhao, Kaiyang and Mankip) that if he has a another sibling and is a boy...the another sibling will be called Terrible...coz Terrence, Terry, Terrible...lols...=P
Now lets talk abt the Benson...he is P6 and talks a lot too...he touches u when talking to u(he keep touching me...wad a gay! juz like CCR, at least CCR is better, and much more handsome then benson)...he also keep swinging(hey! thats captain Kuro's Trademark™) thus resulting in he keep hitting ppl...he hit me so many time...he oso very bu4 yao4 lian3, keep saying that he very handsome...*vomit blood* next time i should bring mirror to giv to ppl like him...hehehe...his singing can break glass one...CCR sings much much better!(suddenly feel that CCR is like a godly role model, lols).
Then the REAL camp starts!!
Day 1
1st thing we do is to say our prayers..., then ...The facilitators and leaders all introduce themselves and the chairman of the DIVINE camp is Wilson! Conan team leaders are Amelia Tan(call her aimee, she says call her aimee) and Nevin (called him nene, nene is he nvr say can call him de) Wilson told us that he dunno why but everything in the camp is DIVINE coz the samatha AKA Sam(the DotA pro) started the DIVINE thingy...just like Divine Rapier, then we all get into our groups and did ice breaking...and played some games...... after that...we had lunch...but lunch time hor we got our food(like buffet style) but couldnt eat yet...nid to wait for everybody to get their food then nid to say merits...the DIVINE Merits goes like this:
"May we share the merits of having this meal with all sentient beings
May they be well and happy
May they be blessed by the Triple Gems
oh ya and btw all the food are all vegetarian...known as zhai1
after the yummy lunch with the crispy vegetarian popiah, we had snakes and ladders...and the whole camp is abt FORFEITS!!!!!! OMG! so every group all kena forfeit lor...the wilson is a baddie. our team is good and we won the snakes and ladders...XD but is terry win de...but during the game...he stepped on the forfeit box a lot of times liao...so he will be very dead...and he stepped on the forfeit box is not he do forfeit is the groups members do forfeit......not fair!
then after the game of snakes and ladders we nid to prepare an act for day2 ...and topic is outcasted...the one acting as the outcasted guy is benson...act so pathetically...he just keep shaking...T.T
Not long after, we had dinner and this meal not so nice...after dinner is abt 7pm and we had a game called vampire hunt...the game is conducted at the first floor and all the lights are switched off, even the toilet...there are around 10 vampires and onli 4 vampires are REAL which mean the other are FAKE...wad i mean by REAL and FAKE is we nid 4 vampires signatures and this means that the real vampires will sign for you if u catch them...but b4 the vampires will reveal whether or not they are real or fake vampires, the group have to perform a forfeit for the vampire...if it is a REAL one, then he/she will sign, but if it is a fake one, then TOO BAD!!
Sounds easy?? u bet not now lemme explain the other half of the rules, there are assassins, vampires and vampire hunters. and we must move together in a group while having our arms locked with each other and not to let go...there are assassins lurking around and if we wander off along, they will catch us and will be out of the game...those caught by the assassin will be brought back to the hall...and so not long after, the game commence...all groups went out of the hall and begin hunting the vampires...it wasnt easy coz we had to lock our arms and form a circle and move around in this formation...the vampires were also fast and we couldnt move very fast as we locked our arms...we caught many fake vampires and soon caught a REAL vampire!! then not long after that, we all reach a narrow part and needed small boys to go in...actually 2 boys were asked to leave the group and go in, but i felt so warm and hot and didnt want to be locking my arms, wanting a bit of ease, i join the two boys and went through...we carefully looked out for vampires and shortly after, an assassin from the other direction came and caught the 3 of us...the remaning teammates were so sad...and since the 3 of us(kaiyang, terry and me) were caught, we were brought back to the hall...in the hall was so DAM COOL MAN!! it was air-conditioned, even though in the morning, we were all doing our preparations in the hall, but this time they switched on the aircon...so COOL & COOL. In the end, Conan got 2nd...not bad lah...without me can get 2nd, then with me around CONFIRM get 1st... XP...lols then later, very very late that time, then we can sleep...so tired...and they gave us 1hr shower time b4 sleep...queued up, shower quickly and then went to my sleeping bag, *yawned and dozed off...(slept at around 11.45pm)
Day 2
(to be continued, even though it all happened, but i so tired now...)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
No post for long long time
Aiyo~ my dear com got prob...spoilt so nvr post lor...got so many things leh...but some i think that zhicong got post lah...so lazy...thursday to sunday got wadeva Young Buddhist Camp...dun feel like going...but still must...my damn Cbox...T.T. go check out http://welcome-2-blackie-world.blogspot.com he must hav post some recent things that happen...like on 6th june...ask zhicong...dam funny lah...dunno when my com can get well...1 month ++ liao =.="...hope to post soon...cya
oh ya...theres the new road...opened a few days ago...very nice!! i think called brickland road or wad...dun blame me if wrong...but it is realli nice...makes travelling faster...i just like our government!
oh ya...theres the new road...opened a few days ago...very nice!! i think called brickland road or wad...dun blame me if wrong...but it is realli nice...makes travelling faster...i just like our government!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Long time no post(cum maths genius competition)
Haiz...cant believe that i so long nvr post...coz my html got prob...so lazy post...now oso dunno wad to post...dun wanna post crap...today got the mathematics genius competition and cant even get a 3rd...thx to that foo chuan an...nicholas me and chuan an(from 207) same team...chuan an leader summor...we bpghs got 1 team got 2nd...and thats all ...1prize onli T.T...that chuan an in our team nvr do anything...nich says...i agree...onli get all the answers wrong...got 1 question goes like this...
a shell shooter has a 80% probability of hitting a target. how many shells are needed to make the probability of hitting the target 99.5%?...
my answer is 4...
chuan an answer is 20(i mean, WTF!!!...how in the world he got 20??)
then nich says trust chuan an 1 time then he wrote answer as 20...but in the end, the answer was 4...but luckily, in the end we got into the finals...if not that chuan an hor...hehehe...haiz todae so boring...leader go sabo us till almost kick out in the early rounds...saw yu qi there...yuqi is primary school mate...he represents RV...haiz...tmr got school...think i better get an early rest...
*FORGET ABT THIS PLS!!*(i mean 4get wad happen abt the mathematics genius competition...so sad...boohoohoo...SO SAD!!
this competition not say difficult one lor...that Fool Chun Dan!!lols...fool=chun dan!
dota realli fun..hope to hav a frozen throne of my own... lets see...hmmm...maybe i'll get one......
$300 ...my $300...actually $149.95 and nich oso get $149.95 then the Fool get $0.10 onli...nvr answer anything correct...go mess up my favourite Sudoku question...Tired...tmr will be worst...how i hope that i can sleep for 12 hours...my com spoil...cannot use...now using laptop...a bit laggy but must bear wif it...now cannot play games leh...how...so sianz...play bball maybe??*yawn*...haiz...my computer...my $149.95!! i now "tu ran lei le"...gd nite nite!! sleep tite tite!!
a shell shooter has a 80% probability of hitting a target. how many shells are needed to make the probability of hitting the target 99.5%?...
my answer is 4...
chuan an answer is 20(i mean, WTF!!!...how in the world he got 20??)
then nich says trust chuan an 1 time then he wrote answer as 20...but in the end, the answer was 4...but luckily, in the end we got into the finals...if not that chuan an hor...hehehe...haiz todae so boring...leader go sabo us till almost kick out in the early rounds...saw yu qi there...yuqi is primary school mate...he represents RV...haiz...tmr got school...think i better get an early rest...
*FORGET ABT THIS PLS!!*(i mean 4get wad happen abt the mathematics genius competition...so sad...boohoohoo...SO SAD!!
this competition not say difficult one lor...that Fool Chun Dan!!lols...fool=chun dan!
dota realli fun..hope to hav a frozen throne of my own... lets see...hmmm...maybe i'll get one......
$300 ...my $300...actually $149.95 and nich oso get $149.95 then the Fool get $0.10 onli...nvr answer anything correct...go mess up my favourite Sudoku question...Tired...tmr will be worst...how i hope that i can sleep for 12 hours...my com spoil...cannot use...now using laptop...a bit laggy but must bear wif it...now cannot play games leh...how...so sianz...play bball maybe??*yawn*...haiz...my computer...my $149.95!! i now "tu ran lei le"...gd nite nite!! sleep tite tite!!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Science Testsss
Today got science test...physics and chemistry...the physics onli 40marks but so difficult while the chemistry is much more easier and is 60marks...i think i rely on chem to pass...but i should be optimistic...lols...ar...and now, lets concern for the fishes...5 more down...left 3 haiz...but i think 3fish easier to care for compare to 10 of them...XD...fish is so disgusting sia...i mean when they die...tmr got maths paper 2...dun plan to study...gonna play tonite! maths get A1 can liao...tmr come out difficult then i die lor...dun care...haha...but i hope wun die lah ...:Psry for the short post...
Thursday, May 3, 2007
MT test
today got mother tongue test...paper 1 i wrote questions 2&5...then the paper 2...erm...not veri diff, quite okay lah...i hav faith in this paper =P...then after the test got D&T so nid to stay back till quite late...tmr got geog test leh...then todae got dnt, so how to revise? haiz...but nvm, my group managed to finish the project by today...terrence so dumb, go break so many acryllic...alamak...todae i brought the fish that i bought to school and nvr feed it for 1 whole day le...the water oso dam dirty...nvr change one...turn yellowish le...the fish hor...i dun think can survive till our presentation(which is abt 1week+ later) the fish, under my care, will D-I-E and i realli mean that they will DIE!! coz a fish idiot like my take care of fish is like the fish 送死! i onli noe how to catch fish(i bought fishing rod in MS), how to eat fish and ways to cook fish to make it into a great dish. AIYA, when the fish go to the corner of the plastic bag, i have an urge to squeeze it(but softly lah, of course, i still hav a heart one okay?), so that i can look at it properly. then the dnt hor, the hanxiong group(xy rox??) nid to buy fish wool, for filtering water de, then i told him 仟湖fish farm hav sell so i brought them to CCK interchange, wanting to take bus then we saw that the bus service onli available on saturdays, sundays and public holidays so today no bus...but they nid the wool so MUST but lor, so we go taxi stand there...there already got many taxis waiting for us...we took a taxi there, guess wad? the txi driver dunno how to go 仟湖fish farm then i have to bring him there lor(i went 仟湖fish farm 2weeks ago so i noe,summore my direction sense very strong and accurate one). we rush there to buy then went back to school, the taxi fare cost around $10, quite ex lah, then at first fengyu say that take taxi go there dun ask taxi wait, pay then buy finish liao then flag another taxi...he dumb lor...flag another taxi nid to pay another $2.40 leh and summore we ask the taxi wait for us is onli abt 50cents...then we ask taxi uncle to bring us back to school then we ask him frive into the loop outside our school gate but the uncle drove us inside then the security guard ask us wad we doing...haiz...tio scolding lor...funny sia!...then at 5pm dnt end liao...ask us to clean the workshop...weile,hungwei and jingjie go clean outside(they 自愿sweep de) then jingjie look very sianz wad so he sweep the dust down the staircase to 1st floor...teacher at workshop keep looking at him and jingjie he still dunno...dam funni!! then teacher ask him wad he doing...haha!!...at around 5.30pm we were allowed to go home then on my way home, i was wondering abt the fish...but now the fish hor, dunno how liao lah...i now lazy...tmr then change water...see if the fish lucky or not!! (i noe that many of my classmates will say that i veri cruel, but think again! kaixiang will take a towel and wrap the fish, knock it on the table, open the towel, take a knife and chop off the tail, put the poor fish back into water and 1min later, the fish die...he so cruel lor and he is the one who spam the tagboard...he is the imitation X(not the 1st two X and Y and XY and XYZ and shuyang)...dun be affected by his rudeness, hes liddat one...nth more to say...bbye!!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
something terrible happened in school today...someone from class 2A was sent to hospital as his leg was seriously cut by glass...he was walking down the staircase where there are noticeboards with glass covers...he walked pass then for some reason the glass drop and hit his leg...there was blood everywhere...so dam 恶心...there was fresh red blood throughout the whole staircase...we all very curious so went to watch(typical singaporean behaviour,lols)...haiz, dun feel like talking ab it anymore...
today i went farmart with terrence, sean and zc! we went there to buy water plants, fish and fish food,all these things are for tmr's dnt as tmr is the submission date........

Monday, April 30, 2007
todae so sianz
todae veri bad day, coz todae eng lesson very sui as i kena punish by that loi loi and today not fun de as kx our fave guy nvr take revenge on loi loi...if he take revenge on loi loi hor, i see how loi loi die. todae during eng got 1 teacher come in, she is believed to be from the councilling room one, she came in to look for our dear kaixiang...then not long after hanxiong kena caught as his short too low and kenneth, alson and fengyu all oso kena caught... then later i reaching out to my calculator wad then the loi loi ask me sit then i was like half sitted then couldnt reach then he shouted at him so i not happi lah then i shouted back too then the councellor saw me doing this then ask me go out and she talked to me...talk so much lor then i spologise to loi loi then i went back to my seat...haiz...
then todae i went home mah then i asw sean playing b.ball at his house so i wanted to join in. i went home to change then i went back. he said he couldnt open the door as he doesnt hav the card. so i went to call the security guard and he said that he couldnt open the back gate...ask me go front gate then i lazy...then i lazy, sean ask me climb over but i dunwan coz i brought my bro along and i ended my conversatio with the guard(is over the telephone thingy lah) then i saw somehing that looks like a bell or button then i try reaching towards it then the guard call out, so it turn out to be a acmera...haiz wad an ambush!!
then todae i went home mah then i asw sean playing b.ball at his house so i wanted to join in. i went home to change then i went back. he said he couldnt open the door as he doesnt hav the card. so i went to call the security guard and he said that he couldnt open the back gate...ask me go front gate then i lazy...then i lazy, sean ask me climb over but i dunwan coz i brought my bro along and i ended my conversatio with the guard(is over the telephone thingy lah) then i saw somehing that looks like a bell or button then i try reaching towards it then the guard call out, so it turn out to be a acmera...haiz wad an ambush!!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Shaggy Sunday
Today so SHAG!!
Todae i went swimming(though i dunno how to swim). i juz went there to play lor coz nth to do at home...past few days oso nth much happened, nth interesting de...exams are coming liao, hope i can do well =P. AR, i remember something, it was last friday b4 recess the period is english mah then mr loi came into our class. when it was recess time then, he keep keeping us to stay in class, saying that it was so noisy and ask KX and Nich to go to the front and look at him... it was abt half the recess gone liao then he allow us to go for recess then he said that KX cannot go(b4 that KX already attitude the teacher liao, u go look at loi's face look so 欠扁). when loi leave the class that time, nich and kx both 不爽loi loi le...nich summore say that loi ask him to look at him face then nich felt like punching it lor...haiz...all 不爽loi loi leh, so how? i dun wanna get involved so ..........i end my post now.
and btw, whose that X person in the tagboard? ty for the word nauseous.XD
Todae i went swimming(though i dunno how to swim). i juz went there to play lor coz nth to do at home...past few days oso nth much happened, nth interesting de...exams are coming liao, hope i can do well =P. AR, i remember something, it was last friday b4 recess the period is english mah then mr loi came into our class. when it was recess time then, he keep keeping us to stay in class, saying that it was so noisy and ask KX and Nich to go to the front and look at him... it was abt half the recess gone liao then he allow us to go for recess then he said that KX cannot go(b4 that KX already attitude the teacher liao, u go look at loi's face look so 欠扁). when loi leave the class that time, nich and kx both 不爽loi loi le...nich summore say that loi ask him to look at him face then nich felt like punching it lor...haiz...all 不爽loi loi leh, so how? i dun wanna get involved so ..........i end my post now.
and btw, whose that X person in the tagboard? ty for the word nauseous.XD
Thursday, April 26, 2007
On tuesday, i was sick(so i nvr post). not feeling well on that day as i have high fever(38.6 degrees Celcius), running nose, flu, cough and feeling like vomitting(called nauseaus, not sure of the spelling). haiz...then on that ady got Lit test somemore...feel so sianz. on that ady oso tio VLD A.K.A V.lee detention. i lucky ar, onli go for 1 ady, 3 of my seniors kena and nid to go for the whole week...cant blame me...this few days, my luck isnt bad, quite good actually onli that i very sick but recover liao. tmr will be a great day for me, i hope...最近运气不错!! hope that it can remain foreva like this(i mean my luck lah, obviously)...
Monday, April 23, 2007
LucKYd(lucky kid)
sry for posting late...coz now little time as exams are near.
last thursday, i went to school early and met weile. i ask weile to accompany me to go buy breakfast and after buying breakfast(takeaway) and on the way back to school, whike walking along the road, we suddenly hear a cracking sound...weile look at his feet and saw that he stepped on a snail...i was like OMG...weile step the snail and the snail looked so gross...the shells all break and can see the slimy body...yucks...
today there was english test papers 1 and 2 and i must agree that both of them sucks...they were not difficult, neither were they easy and after the test, mr wu(my beloved teacher) came into the class and gave us a physics test. the physics test was hard one lor...mr wu trying to fail us...all his questions seemed so unpredictable and strange...he onli put a picture and nvr give us any proper question and it is worth 4marks leh...4marks a lot liao le.
even though i morning very sui(or unlucky) but in the rest of the day, i was very lucky. maybe i got a bad cough and running nose...who noes? Ahhh....Choooooo.....
last thursday, i went to school early and met weile. i ask weile to accompany me to go buy breakfast and after buying breakfast(takeaway) and on the way back to school, whike walking along the road, we suddenly hear a cracking sound...weile look at his feet and saw that he stepped on a snail...i was like OMG...weile step the snail and the snail looked so gross...the shells all break and can see the slimy body...yucks...
today there was english test papers 1 and 2 and i must agree that both of them sucks...they were not difficult, neither were they easy and after the test, mr wu(my beloved teacher) came into the class and gave us a physics test. the physics test was hard one lor...mr wu trying to fail us...all his questions seemed so unpredictable and strange...he onli put a picture and nvr give us any proper question and it is worth 4marks leh...4marks a lot liao le.
even though i morning very sui(or unlucky) but in the rest of the day, i was very lucky. maybe i got a bad cough and running nose...who noes? Ahhh....Choooooo.....
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Haiz...long time no post le...almost 1 week even though onli 6 days...no time to use computer as exams are coming liao...must study le...coz this year streaming...must be 勤劳! many things happen during the past six adys and here are the highlights:
1. on monday, after maths enrichment, hungwei and me were walking to the upper sec( as the maths enrichment was at lower sec that day) and on the way we saw fengyu...and his fencing friend/senoir(i saw today that she sec 2) were holding brooms...and rubber tubes...hungwei and me ask fengyu do they use broom for fencing? then the disrespectful gal told us off...she said,"SHUT THE PA-O" Wad in the world is "SHUT THE PA-O"?
2.Last friday is sports day(on 13/4/07, stan's b'dae tt day) and we green house rocks that day. we owned!this year green house very strong leh...last year get last...this year get first, maybe is green house take revenge? my dear senior Ng Zhi Kai realli pro on that day...he won in 2 events:some throwing event and a running event which is 4X400m. actually at first we green house get 3rd one then final lap le and Zhi Kai i last runner then he caught up with a person in front of him...more than 100m away. he pro lah...i sec 4 that time must run...kena inspired by him...i must train myself up...u guys...watch out for me!!(muahahaha)
3.yesterady during art lesson that time, we doing art photoshop, our group nid to find pictures lah and found some already and nid to find oil then terrence(the grp leader) went and type "oi" he typing error then guess wad pic there was?(go find out yourself)[or highlight the next part] "there was a man holding a fat woman's boobs...euuuu...*disgusted" haiz...then there was a rumor abt the art room, everytime we go into the art room...there will be a strange smell and many of the boys sae that it is the "Larb Cheong smell)[Larb Cheong known as LC, just like Elsie!](highlight to see)
thats all to say for now...bb!
1. on monday, after maths enrichment, hungwei and me were walking to the upper sec( as the maths enrichment was at lower sec that day) and on the way we saw fengyu...and his fencing friend/senoir(i saw today that she sec 2) were holding brooms...and rubber tubes...hungwei and me ask fengyu do they use broom for fencing? then the disrespectful gal told us off...she said,"SHUT THE PA-O" Wad in the world is "SHUT THE PA-O"?
2.Last friday is sports day(on 13/4/07, stan's b'dae tt day) and we green house rocks that day. we owned!this year green house very strong leh...last year get last...this year get first, maybe is green house take revenge? my dear senior Ng Zhi Kai realli pro on that day...he won in 2 events:some throwing event and a running event which is 4X400m. actually at first we green house get 3rd one then final lap le and Zhi Kai i last runner then he caught up with a person in front of him...more than 100m away. he pro lah...i sec 4 that time must run...kena inspired by him...i must train myself up...u guys...watch out for me!!(muahahaha)
3.yesterady during art lesson that time, we doing art photoshop, our group nid to find pictures lah and found some already and nid to find oil then terrence(the grp leader) went and type "oi" he typing error then guess wad pic there was?(go find out yourself)[or highlight the next part] "there was a man holding a fat woman's boobs...euuuu...*disgusted" haiz...then there was a rumor abt the art room, everytime we go into the art room...there will be a strange smell and many of the boys sae that it is the "Larb Cheong smell)[Larb Cheong known as LC, just like Elsie!](highlight to see)
thats all to say for now...bb!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
V.Ball B.Boys Finals(V.S St. Hilda's)
todae went to toa payoh sports hall and cheer for our school team b.bois... there very hot sia and very tense, our b.bois did quite well...coz they playing finals leh...a lot of ppl from our school went as v.lee ask them go one, v.lee go book bus oso leh...they played best of 5 meaning who win 3 sets first will win the the champion. previously, there was a match, between Catholic high school and xinmin sec, xinmin sec won the first two sets then catholic high won the last three sets...it was like so unbelievable...actually we all wanted xinmin to win as we all getting bored lor...at 3rd set that time, we all cheering secretly for xinmin one...but nvm lah... today our b.bois play with st.hilda sec...when we cheering that time, a group of st hilda boys( & some gals) go and jeer us...WTF...like they veri gd liddat. st hilda won the 1st 2 sets and later, we soon caught up by winning the next 2 sets...when we win a set, two students from our school went around the hall with the school flag, we got 2 flags, u see... then the st hilda all sore losers lah, dun wan to let the two students run, when they reach the st hilda's part there, all of them went to block them and some even stand up and hit them physically, by using their chest and arm...some of them even pull the flag and throw it when the studens are running...they all very rude one lah...dun care them as their school not as gd as us...their academics i mean...lyke Sugar Honey Ice Tea!!All of the score was so close...the 5th/last set as u could say, the atmosphere was so high and tense... we lost in the end and the scoer was 15-12 we almost can win one leh...something happen in between thus resulting in the opponent getting extra points...not fair...WTF rite?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
SSS( S'nout Soup Story)
Haiz, todae's 1st lesson is geog, after that feeling so shagged...the geog so funni sia...
then is physics,ipw then maths...haiz, so sian lor todae, coz 1st period is geog so make me so shagged...
then after school I went out for lunch...wif CCR, ZC, Terrence, TWL and Teh JJ...everibody eat finish liao then Chang rong, he still got a lot of soup left wad, then he dun wan drink, guess what did he do? he say his nose not feeling well, got mucus in his "snout", then he use hand to "cough" the slimy thingy out and let it drop in the soup, then i saw it lah, obviously...i was like Yucks! OMG! tt's so disgusting. look at it make me wanna 反胃. then tell ZC and Terrence see...so disgusting lor, then got the volleyball sec2 girls at the next table...we dare them drink the soup and give them $10, then someone ask wad is inside, then we say its CCR "slime"...
ah, btw, when we eating lunch that time, that V.Lee(V.Ball Coach) hor, was there buying chicken rice...then he sit at a table far away, then the sec2 girls(v.ball gals) ask me to call him over, so i call lor...he said "rubbish" wif a funny expression...
Fengyu got cute and nice looking eyes...dun like to elaborate much so juz say a bit, i was asking if he was talking to me as he wasnt looking at me, he has some eye problems that means he cant look at a person directly...sad though, he had hit his head when he was small...so thats why...
i was making fun of him lah...so sry lor fengyu hahaz...i noe that he not angry, but juz post lar...(for fun)
then is physics,ipw then maths...haiz, so sian lor todae, coz 1st period is geog so make me so shagged...
then after school I went out for lunch...wif CCR, ZC, Terrence, TWL and Teh JJ...everibody eat finish liao then Chang rong, he still got a lot of soup left wad, then he dun wan drink, guess what did he do? he say his nose not feeling well, got mucus in his "snout", then he use hand to "cough" the slimy thingy out and let it drop in the soup, then i saw it lah, obviously...i was like Yucks! OMG! tt's so disgusting. look at it make me wanna 反胃. then tell ZC and Terrence see...so disgusting lor, then got the volleyball sec2 girls at the next table...we dare them drink the soup and give them $10, then someone ask wad is inside, then we say its CCR "slime"...
ah, btw, when we eating lunch that time, that V.Lee(V.Ball Coach) hor, was there buying chicken rice...then he sit at a table far away, then the sec2 girls(v.ball gals) ask me to call him over, so i call lor...he said "rubbish" wif a funny expression...
Fengyu got cute and nice looking eyes...dun like to elaborate much so juz say a bit, i was asking if he was talking to me as he wasnt looking at me, he has some eye problems that means he cant look at a person directly...sad though, he had hit his head when he was small...so thats why...
i was making fun of him lah...so sry lor fengyu hahaz...i noe that he not angry, but juz post lar...(for fun)
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
New geog teacher!
haiz... we got new de grog teacher le... new geog teacher name is called Ms Saras...her short form name, coz she said her name veri long so she asked us to greet her as Ms Saras...shes so diff from mrs liam lor, she so fierce and veri big size de...
then today after school, hungwei, sean, jingjie and me hav physics lessons with Mr Wu. then suddenly Nich pop up. we do the physics practical workbook and hungwei do so slowly, cause us to go home so late...wt....ar, nvm...then i ask Mr Wu a question, "Who discovered current?" guess wads the answer? the answer is "currently(Current Lee/Li)"(highlight to see) then mr wu was laughing so loudly and he say this is BS or bullshit, he says...
b4 i end today's post, theres another question:
" What do u get if u mix changrong and current?(onli my class pl noe who is CCR(changrong)"
Answer: " Blackcurrant"(highlight to see)
then today after school, hungwei, sean, jingjie and me hav physics lessons with Mr Wu. then suddenly Nich pop up. we do the physics practical workbook and hungwei do so slowly, cause us to go home so late...wt....ar, nvm...then i ask Mr Wu a question, "Who discovered current?" guess wads the answer? the answer is "currently(Current Lee/Li)"(highlight to see) then mr wu was laughing so loudly and he say this is BS or bullshit, he says...
b4 i end today's post, theres another question:
" What do u get if u mix changrong and current?(onli my class pl noe who is CCR(changrong)"
Answer: " Blackcurrant"(highlight to see)
Monday, April 2, 2007
2.4km run
Haiz...todae got 2.4km run...no ood to run sia, coz i get A for 2.4 i will get bronze, if i get E for 2.4, i will still get bronze... so i rather get E and not waste my energy...and b4 running, i not efeling well liaoz. todae so damn tired, 累到要命啊! after the run, i so damn weak sia...feel like going to sleep, sit on the canteen bench, then i lay my head on the table...but i heard that some ppl from my clas wanna play basketball, i immediately revitalised...i oso dunno wad happen...lols. haiz, todae i run 14min lah...i oso dun care...pass 2.4 can liao...now too tired, so nth to post...gd luk to those who havent run 2.4 and for ppl who read this, rest early and gd nite *********(<---stars in the nite sky)
Friday, March 30, 2007
My class had NAPFA test yesterday, the 5 items. i had scored 3As, a D and an E so far.guess wad i get for E?? lemme tell u, i got E for standing broad jump... i tis year already 14 years old, not 13 and i jumped 195cm (i thought i would be worst than this) and got the top marks in the E zone, if i were 13, i would have gotten a C(or D)...not fair! 我丢尽了volleyball 的脸. *blushed*
i did 51 sit ups, 45cm for sit and reach, 11.05s for shuutle run( which i think it was VERY slow as i had slipped, i got a D), 27 inclined pull ups and sad to say, 195cm for standing broad jump.
Lousy rite?(dun tell me, i dun wish to noe) i think that i can onli get a bronze as a teacher already told me so... next week there will be the 2.4km run, i wished(seriously i wished) that i would pass...pass can liao for me, i dun hope for too much...coz i poor in long distance...
Today, our 1st period lesson is geog. auntie liam came into the class and kaixiang put a fake lizard on the teacher's desk. as how he get the lizard, lemme tell u the story on how he got the lizard...
this morning just b4 auntie liam came, i went to the toilet, and on my way there, my fren Sze Chew said:" Hey! i want to give(not show but giv,lols) u something." then i open my palm and he put a lizard on it, thinking that i would be frightened, but which i didnt as i was not that humji... I saw the lizard on my hand and say thx and ran to the toilet, then my fren was shouting:" return it to me, it's not mine!" i didnt care abt it...
so after the break which i took, i went back to class and found that the geog teacher was already there...i showed the lizard to kaixiang(who was sitting beside me) and he threw it on the teacher's desk. at first teacher didn't spot it and keep going on with the long-winded lesson, sean thought that the teacher already saw it liao. it was like 3/4 of the lesson pass liao and the teacher took a walk around the class, just as she was returning to her desk, she said:" OMG, WHAT A SHOCK!" she clapped her hands on her cheeks. she thought that it was real and pry at its tail, afraid that it might jump up...(<------ this part is kai xiang ask me write one, dun believe then come check my handbook) and soon after, when auntie liam wan to clean the whiteboard, she ask where is the eraser(she said eraser not duster leh, so lame) and when she couldnt find any, she begin to use her hand. just then, a girl told her that the duster was in a basket beside the whiteboard and she used the duster then lor...
when the lesson is going to end that time, auntie liam said farewell as she is going away for some courses(i dun rmb). then i said that we will all miss her and she winked her eye as she had seen through my words as a lie and say:" realli? u must be lying, i noe that u wun." then she ask again curiously:"realli?" then kai xiang the big mouth go and say:" we will all rmb ur beautiful and pretty face(睁着眼睛说瞎话)" then auntie liam shouted to kai xiang and say:"SHUT THE CRAP"(but not so loud lah) as she knew that kai xiang was consoling her.
Mrs Liam, i hope this makes u laugh and we will all miss u......but 4eva?(i not sure)
i did 51 sit ups, 45cm for sit and reach, 11.05s for shuutle run( which i think it was VERY slow as i had slipped, i got a D), 27 inclined pull ups and sad to say, 195cm for standing broad jump.
Lousy rite?(dun tell me, i dun wish to noe) i think that i can onli get a bronze as a teacher already told me so... next week there will be the 2.4km run, i wished(seriously i wished) that i would pass...pass can liao for me, i dun hope for too much...coz i poor in long distance...
Today, our 1st period lesson is geog. auntie liam came into the class and kaixiang put a fake lizard on the teacher's desk. as how he get the lizard, lemme tell u the story on how he got the lizard...
this morning just b4 auntie liam came, i went to the toilet, and on my way there, my fren Sze Chew said:" Hey! i want to give(not show but giv,lols) u something." then i open my palm and he put a lizard on it, thinking that i would be frightened, but which i didnt as i was not that humji... I saw the lizard on my hand and say thx and ran to the toilet, then my fren was shouting:" return it to me, it's not mine!" i didnt care abt it...
so after the break which i took, i went back to class and found that the geog teacher was already there...i showed the lizard to kaixiang(who was sitting beside me) and he threw it on the teacher's desk. at first teacher didn't spot it and keep going on with the long-winded lesson, sean thought that the teacher already saw it liao. it was like 3/4 of the lesson pass liao and the teacher took a walk around the class, just as she was returning to her desk, she said:" OMG, WHAT A SHOCK!" she clapped her hands on her cheeks. she thought that it was real and pry at its tail, afraid that it might jump up...
when the lesson is going to end that time, auntie liam said farewell as she is going away for some courses(i dun rmb). then i said that we will all miss her and she winked her eye as she had seen through my words as a lie and say:" realli? u must be lying, i noe that u wun." then she ask again curiously:"realli?" then kai xiang the big mouth go and say:" we will all rmb ur beautiful and pretty face(睁着眼睛说瞎话)" then auntie liam shouted to kai xiang and say:"SHUT THE CRAP"(but not so loud lah) as she knew that kai xiang was consoling her.
Mrs Liam, i hope this makes u laugh and we will all miss u......but 4eva?(i not sure)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
IPW Field Trip
Yesterday, during english lesson, our new teacher, Mr Augustus Loi, started the ERIL presentation. There were 2 groups which have present. the second group, abt cloning research, has so much to say and they speak so soft...Even though they speak for quite a long period of time, the teacher, Mr Loi, still ask them questions(n it is a lot of questions). The group have difficulty understanding their topic too and they couldn't answer most of the questions that were raised by Mr Loi. Mr Loi ask the group how many % they noe...guess wad they said? they said that they noe more than 50% and less than 70%...less than 70% leh...but nvm. then Mr Loi called out many ppl to speak the first 2 sentence of the cloning research's group speech and ask them to speak LOUDER, LOUDER! but not SHOUT! many ppl tried and feng yu was by far "The BEST". he speak so dam funny lor...
Today, we hav geog lesson, theres a group donig presentation, the jasmine's group did their presentation and our geog teacher AKA auntie liam, kep interrupting their presentation. i rather that the group fininsh their presentation 1st then let the auntie liam ask them questions and explain. the whole lesson was full of anutie liam's "nagging". wad can we learn? nag so much abt the topic...jasmine their group presentation wasnt bad, i thought. the teacher kept interrupting leh...WTF rite??
today, we oso went to Ulu Pandan Water Treatment Plant. they treat waste water there in our west area, i think. there was a short presentation and the guy showed us some of the dirty water and the treated water(btw, the guy making the presentation looked like my v.ball senior: Yong Chee, XD). there were some water samples and the 1st on was the water which come into the plant, the second one is the water that come out after the 1st filtering process then there was a huge cylinder with subsidue at the bottom. there was a box, guess wads inside the box? lemme tell u, it contains dried sludge (YUMMY?!) almost every1 went to smll it, frankly speaking, it was not bad lah...i said that it was not bad coz it was VERY VERY VERY BAD! it was black, u noe? like "chao-da"(burnt). i thought that we were able to go and see the digestor(digestion tank) but we didn't and when going bak tt time, the girls went to the toilet and is like almost all of them went lor and they took more than 10mins and they came out together...someone guy said that they got "r(ape)d" overall, it was quite a fun, rewarding and fruitful trip.( i got myself all dirty...lols)
Today, we hav geog lesson, theres a group donig presentation, the jasmine's group did their presentation and our geog teacher AKA auntie liam, kep interrupting their presentation. i rather that the group fininsh their presentation 1st then let the auntie liam ask them questions and explain. the whole lesson was full of anutie liam's "nagging". wad can we learn? nag so much abt the topic...jasmine their group presentation wasnt bad, i thought. the teacher kept interrupting leh...WTF rite??
today, we oso went to Ulu Pandan Water Treatment Plant. they treat waste water there in our west area, i think. there was a short presentation and the guy showed us some of the dirty water and the treated water(btw, the guy making the presentation looked like my v.ball senior: Yong Chee, XD). there were some water samples and the 1st on was the water which come into the plant, the second one is the water that come out after the 1st filtering process then there was a huge cylinder with subsidue at the bottom. there was a box, guess wads inside the box? lemme tell u, it contains dried sludge (YUMMY?!) almost every1 went to smll it, frankly speaking, it was not bad lah...i said that it was not bad coz it was VERY VERY VERY BAD! it was black, u noe? like "chao-da"(burnt). i thought that we were able to go and see the digestor(digestion tank) but we didn't and when going bak tt time, the girls went to the toilet and is like almost all of them went lor and they took more than 10mins and they came out together...someone guy said that they got "r(ape)d" overall, it was quite a fun, rewarding and fruitful trip.( i got myself all dirty...lols)
Saturday, March 24, 2007
BPGHS CIP day...
Now i m at the Wizkid corner at Courts MEGAStore.
Todae early in de morning nid go school and do CIP...i thought that it would b fun and meaningful but it was so bad. the DM and the vice-principal talk so much and talk so long, we hav to wait under the hot sun listening to them...
Our teacher in charge is Auntie Liam(our geog teacher) not Ms Li(our form teacher).
That auntie keep asking us do dis do dat...she sae cannot go buy food and drinks so i nvm lor but...guess wad happen? She nvm help us in the CIP but she onli boss around like we r slaves like that...she oso go buy a packet of fresh mango juice...WTF?? she sae that we cannot buy but she go buy...not fair...she teacher so wad?
Haiz after the CIP, i eat lunch, went home then nidto go tampines...at st i go GIANT at the tampines but veri fast shop finish le, but my dad wan go Courts megastore, so i folo lor...so now i m at courts megastore wizkids corner...so tired *yawn*[of coz tired after 1 whole day of workout, how i hope i can hav a great dinner and sleep at 11pm, (coz 9.30 -11 got zou ri 8 dian dang at channel U)]. so here i end my post...bb
sry for being rude, XD!
Todae early in de morning nid go school and do CIP...i thought that it would b fun and meaningful but it was so bad. the DM and the vice-principal talk so much and talk so long, we hav to wait under the hot sun listening to them...
Our teacher in charge is Auntie Liam(our geog teacher) not Ms Li(our form teacher).
That auntie keep asking us do dis do dat...she sae cannot go buy food and drinks so i nvm lor but...guess wad happen? She nvm help us in the CIP but she onli boss around like we r slaves like that...she oso go buy a packet of fresh mango juice...WTF?? she sae that we cannot buy but she go buy...not fair...she teacher so wad?
Haiz after the CIP, i eat lunch, went home then nidto go tampines...at st i go GIANT at the tampines but veri fast shop finish le, but my dad wan go Courts megastore, so i folo lor...so now i m at courts megastore wizkids corner...so tired *yawn*[of coz tired after 1 whole day of workout, how i hope i can hav a great dinner and sleep at 11pm, (coz 9.30 -11 got zou ri 8 dian dang at channel U)]. so here i end my post...bb
sry for being rude, XD!
Friday, March 23, 2007
My fren yuxian
Yoz~My dear fren YuXian(the guy/councillor who came into our crystal growing class on wednesday, he from Swiss Cottage) or i usually call him xianyu(salted fish), izzit luck or izzit fate that we met each other on mon,wed and friday this week?
on monday, i met u on the escalator on my way up.
on wednesday, i met u in the chem lab during my crystal growing lesson and a girl sort off liked u(woots)!
on friday (today), i met u at lot 1 food court, and u were eating rotiprata wif egg(telok).
today i handed in the stupid crystal growing poster thing...waste my money and time and i sleep after midnight...*yawn*today friday so veri short =D. i hate days wif hmwk periods which are veri long and the hmwk periods aren't useful(not for me)...todae very happy for no reason(perhaps today i 2nd day post on the blog??)overall: today is a fun dayand oh, tmr got BPGHS CIP day (newspaper collection day)i m looking forward to it as last year we had this event and it was quite fun and enjoyable!
Mad abt it!
I like Tamaki Nami songs!(hungwei lend me his cd then i saved it in my computer, damn cool sia! i love "heart and soul", "shining star", "sunrize", "get wild" n "reason")(whoa so many...)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
That...... Kai Xiang!
todae i get back my maths paper, the mental calculation one, on it teacher circle the top part of the foolscap (a signature of "mr prince") and wrote there "SEE ME".
the mental sums was done yesterday, veri easy leh, b4 teacher start the next question, i do finish the current question liao. i sitting wif hungwei and kai xiang mah, then when exchange papers for marking tt time, i take hungwei paper, kaixiang take my paper and hungwei take kaixiang paper. after kaixiang mark finish my paper (which is of course all correct), he signed"mr prince there"
then today get back, teacher wanna SEE ME...then i wtf kaixiang.
he that joker always like that one, but nvm, he drew a pig on his paper and oso got "SEE ME".
serve him rite!! he deserve it. hahaz
the mental sums was done yesterday, veri easy leh, b4 teacher start the next question, i do finish the current question liao. i sitting wif hungwei and kai xiang mah, then when exchange papers for marking tt time, i take hungwei paper, kaixiang take my paper and hungwei take kaixiang paper. after kaixiang mark finish my paper (which is of course all correct), he signed"mr prince there"
then today get back, teacher wanna SEE ME...then i wtf kaixiang.
he that joker always like that one, but nvm, he drew a pig on his paper and oso got "SEE ME".
serve him rite!! he deserve it. hahaz
Welcome (Self-Intro)
Hi there, my newly created 1. not bad sia, rite?
i new to blogger le, coz i always no time but onli got time to play.
i m veri lazy one.
even though i m called a mathspro, but my maths not very gd sia...but i dun mind u all asking me question abt maths, but dun ask too many, coz i oso human, u noe(imposter mathspro??)? (lol)
i now hor, currently playing sudoku in the MSN games wif mr wu...he say easy but 5min pass he still do so little, i do some liao, then i let him complete(we working cooperative) [XD]!
erm.4get to say, i will not answer any atrocious questions that r ask/set by u ppl so, dun take me for a f***... erm,i mean fool.
(i nid help, would some kind-hearted ppl who wish to help the mathspro(i not blogpro lei).
pls and ty.
{[(from: the mathspro!)]}
emergency, mr wu just nudge me and say that it was no kick(the sudoku lah) not bad lah, he do a lot liao, cannot lose to him, i wan my face as the mathspro one leh...gotta go help mr wulala~~
(pls leave comments for my lame intro)!
i new to blogger le, coz i always no time but onli got time to play.
i m veri lazy one.
even though i m called a mathspro, but my maths not very gd sia...but i dun mind u all asking me question abt maths, but dun ask too many, coz i oso human, u noe(imposter mathspro??)? (lol)
i now hor, currently playing sudoku in the MSN games wif mr wu...he say easy but 5min pass he still do so little, i do some liao, then i let him complete(we working cooperative) [XD]!
erm.4get to say, i will not answer any atrocious questions that r ask/set by u ppl so, dun take me for a f***... erm,i mean fool.
(i nid help, would some kind-hearted ppl who wish to help the mathspro(i not blogpro lei).
pls and ty.
{[(from: the mathspro!)]}
emergency, mr wu just nudge me and say that it was no kick(the sudoku lah) not bad lah, he do a lot liao, cannot lose to him, i wan my face as the mathspro one leh...gotta go help mr wulala~~
(pls leave comments for my lame intro)!
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